Medical devices translations

Translation and localization services for medical equipment manufacturers operating in the global market.

What is meant by medical device?

It refers to any equipment, apparatus, instrument, implement, machine, appliance, implant, prosthesis, reagent for in vitro use or software intended to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings, for one or more specific medical purposes.

The greater the risk factor and invasiveness, the more crucial it is that the translation is correct. There is no room for error.

How we support medical device manufacturers

Whether you’re marketing your products overseas or you’ve got production sites in a foreign country, translation plays a vital role in your product’s life cycle.


We translate and localize all types of documents, making sure your content is linguistically fluent and terminologically accurate.


We ensure that your content meets the quality standards required by international, regional, and local regulations.

Intellectual property

We support you with specialized technical and legal translation services, so you can file European patent applications in any language.

Some of the documents we translate

Meetings the highest standards

We’re certified to ISO 17-100:2015 and our team of life science experts is carefully handpicked to guarantee precision and consistency in your multilingual content.

+60 language

+20 language

ISO 17100:2015 certified translation process

Tipo de traducciones para productos sanitarios

Garantizamos la calidad exigida por las normativas europeas a los fabricantes y distribuidores de productos sanitarios y biotecnología, empresas farmacéuticas y dermocosméticas, así como en el ámbito de los ensayos clínicos y registros.

Ayudamos a las empresas de productos sanitarios y otros sectores de ciencias de la vida a conquistar nuevos mercados trasladando sus principales mensajes al idioma de su nuevo público objetivo.

Facilitamos el proceso de obtención de patentes a escala europea y mundial mediante nuestros servicios de traducción y localización especializadas en productos sanitarios, con más de 60 combinaciones lingüísticas disponibles.

We’ve been supporting medical equipment manufacturers for over 15 years, always keeping up-to-date on the latest innovations and regulations related to the medical device sector in Europe and the rest of the world.

Areas of expertise

Here’s a quick over of our latest medical device translation projects:

Learn more about the localization of medical devices in our blog

Let’s talk about your next project!