Translation services for preclinical research and clinical trials

We translate content to support medical and scientific advancements worldwide.

Preclinical Research

We translate medical-scientific documents related to the preclinical research phase of a drug, in which the chosen compound is tested to assess whether it’s safe to administer in humans and its pharmacological activity.

Clinical Trials

We offer pharmaceutical companies and clinical research organizations (CROs) specialized translation services at every step of the research protocol, which is required to test the efficacy and safety of a new drug, compare it to existing treatments and determine which one is more beneficial.

The role of translation in clinical trials

Clinical trials follow a set of rules, known as a research protocol, which defines things such as the main goal of the study, the criteria for inclusion or exclusion of patients and ensures that they measure the right points in the right way and that the results are meaningful.

In this process, clinical documentation serves multiple purposes and needs to be friendly for different audiences, from technical experts to laymen. It is thus essential that the results of the study be equivalent across multiple languages. The slightest mistake could even endanger the lives of the people under research.

Working with you

Our team of medical writers and linguists is not only proficient when it comes to translation, but they also possess extensive scientific training and excellent command of medical terminology.

Some of the documents we translate:

Meetings the highest standards

We’re certified to ISO 17-100:2015 and our team of life science experts are carefully handpicked to guarantee precision and consistency in your multilingual content.

+60 language pairs

+20 language solutions

ISO 17-100:2015 certified translation process

Linguistic validation services for Clinical Trials

Key process that includes the following steps:

With more than 15 years of experience, we continue to offer world-class language solutions that contribute to medical breakthroughs in Europe and the rest of the world.

Our expertise in clinical trial translation cuts across multiple therapeutic areas:





Mental Health

Chronic illnesses

Infectious diseases


Let’s talk about your next project!